Repository for lana's interview challenge. Here is the requirements -> link
This project grants the possibility to buy merchandising from Lana. Once all the products are introduced, the total amount will be shown.
For limited time, there are some exclusive offers, so hurry up!
- 2x1 on Pens
- *25% discount (provided that there is a minimum of 3 t-shirts)
*Discount will be applied only on T-Shirt, not in the total.
This project has been build with
- Python
- Docker, with a PostgreSQL as DB
- Travis-ci for continuos integration (Link to Travis-CI -> link)
This project has been made with:
- Docker >= 20.10.2
- docker-compose >= 1.25.0
On project's root path, execute:
sudo docker-compose up
List the products ->
List the basket ->
Method -> POST
Payload -> {'products': []}
Url ->
Method -> DELETE
Url -><basket's id>/
Method -> POST
Payload -> {'basket':<basket's id>, 'product':'<PEN | TSHIRT | MUG>'}
Url ->
Method -> GET
Url -><basket's id>