Code developed by jotavaladouro during the Artificial Intelligence (AIND) nanodegree of Udacity.
Solve the N-Queens Problem
Algorithms: constraint satisfaction and backtracking search.
Library: SymPy.
Air cargo problem solved using different algorithms and compare their results:
Algorithms : breadth-first,depth-first search, heuristic, Planning Graph.
The travel salesman problem.
Algorithms: simulated annealing
Develop a game playing agent for the isolation game.
Algorithms: minimax search with alpha-beta pruning, fixed-depth, and iterative deepening search.
Solve sudoku.
Algorithms:constraint propagation.
Recognize words for American Sign Language video sequences.
Algorithms: hidden Markov models (HMM's).
Libraries: scikit-learn,hmmlearn.
Train a Deep Network on images from the CIFAR-10 database.Test transfer learning from vgg16.
Algorithms: Using Deep Neural Network, CNN, CNN + augmentation.
Library: Keras
Analyze sentiments in IMDM and Predicting Student Admissions.
Algorithms: deep learning.
Library: Keras
Perform time series prediction and create a sequence generator. Algorithms: recurrent neural network (RNN).
Library: Keras
- rnn: Build a character-wise RNN trained on Anna Karenina. Use LSTM.
- Autoencoder: Train an autoencoder in the MNIST database, using it for denoising images.
- GAN : Build a generative adversarial network (GAN) trained on the MNIST dataset.
- Sentiment Classification: Sentiment Analysis on the IMDB database, building a simple neural network from scratch.
- Sentiment Analysis with a RNN: Implement a recurrent neural network that performs sentiment analysis. Use embedding and LSTM.
Algorithms: LSTM, Autoencoder, GAN,embedding.
Library: tensor-flow
Algorithms: **Haar feature-based cascade classifiers,pre-trained ResNet-50, CNN,Transfer Learning **
Library: OpenCV,Keras
Use IBM Watson's NLP Services to create a simple question-answering system.
Sentiment Analysis on the IMDB database. Testing different algorithm:
Algorithms: Bag-of-Words and Gaussian Naive Bayes; Bag-of-Words and Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree; LSTM.
Libraries: Keras, BeautifulSoup
Build a deep neural network that functions as part of an end-to-end machine translation pipeline.
Algorithms: RNN, embedding, bidirectional RNN, Encoder-Decoder RNN.
Libraries: Keras
- AIND-CV-FacialKeypoints
- AIND-VUI-Capstone
- opencv