Excel -> (Intermediate JSON Forma) -> Web Form + SQL DB Schema + Data Binding
'forma' = Data describing both the form data structure and the schema.
[x] UI
[x] Generate basic UI elements
[x] Generate editable tabarray interface for subobjects
[x] Enforce basic UI rules (fully tabbable, complex single choice, 'either' groups)
[x] Provide button elements (Summarize -> new tab, Submit, Reset fields)
[.] Core
[x] Form data summarizer
[x] DB schema generator (SQL/NoSQL)
[x] Auto create DB
[.] Client side data binding
[x] Field to obj
[.] Obj to field
[x] Server side data binding
[ ] Excel to JSON Forma translator
[ ] Move CenariusForm to server side (JS? C#?)
[ ] New field: precise date-time (now only date)
[ ] New field: file upload
[ ] Either-group should clear input whenever switched
[x] Somehow deal with Chinese characters when identifierizing field titles
[ ] Section folding button
[ ] Field validation