[Quote Generator] is a simple JavaScript, HTML and CSS project that uses a locally made API to generate different quotes
Click here to see a live demo of this project online:
👤 Joy Phoebe
- GitHub: (https://github.com/joyapisi)
- Twitter: (https://twitter.com/joyapisi)
- LinkedIn: (https://http://www.linkedin.com/in/joy-phoebe-00b80a13a)
Describe 1 - 3 features you will add to the project.
- [new_feature_1] This project will not have any additional features.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project, kindly leave a comment below and share it with someone who enjoys coding! Coding is all about continuous learning and allowing yourself to be a beginner. Keep going!
I'm thankful to Zero to Mastery for providing a study platform which guided me through this project and to my coding partner at Microverse for the collaborative effort.