Appointment Tracker This Tracker is designed for use by senior citizens to keep track of the various medical appointments they may have. Care was taken to ensure that the colors used are in high constrast font size and buttons are large enough for senior citizens to see and click on, and a special font design to ensure accessibility was used throughout the application.
The functions of the appointment tracker allows registered users to add appointments, view all appointments, edit existing appointments and delete appointments.
The technologies used in this application are: Javascript React Express Bootstrap Customized CSS
To use this application, users must have an internet connection. No other installations are needed.
The approach taken is to:
Identify a user group with a problem.
Form a hypothesis of the problem.
Test the hypothesis.
Formulate a solution to address the problem.
Formulate a plan to execute the solution. The Pre-execution materials are: a. a user problem definition, user stories and solution proposal: b. flowchart of the user path: c. an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the tables in the database: d. Wireframe: and
While executing the plan, I maintained a "must-do" list, a bug tracking list and a "nice to have" features list. I made sure to clear all items on the first two list to get an MVP and moved on to implement some items on the "nice to have" list.
The MVP was then tested during soft launch to get feedback from the instructional team. Further comments from classmates on color were incorporated.
For User Acceptance Testing, I did an automated test and an actual user test. a. Automated testing: I ran the website through the following accessibility checkers. Based on the feedback, I included labels on my JSX files to ensure that screen readers can read it, and
b. I sought feedback from an actual senior citizen with low vision and made changes to the background color to increase the constrast and font sizes, so that the target user group will be able to use it.
Unsolved problems: Yet to implement solution to prevent appointment conflicts, and hide past appointments.