entrymgr is a command-line-based journal entry management tool which can make use of a DVCS as a backend for history tracking and file replication.
It can be used, for example, to maintain a text-based diary, or a journal of server changes.
An entry for today can be created running:
$ entrymgr create --name "Starting off"
This will create a directory structure based on YYYY/MM/DD such as:
└── 09
└── 28
└── starting-off.md
Optionally, a date can be specified using the --date option:
$ entrymgr create --name "Trip to Mars" --date "2038/08/09"
Similarly, entries can be removed with the following:
$ entrymgr remove --name "Starting off"
Upon the running of the remove action, entrymgr will go through each of the entry's parent directories and remove them if they have no elements within them. In the tree example above, 28 would be removed, then 09, then 2013 as they have no children.
To run the test suite that comes with entrymgr, run this command in this directory:
$ python -m unittest discover -v tests
The test suite must also be ran before every commit by using the included pre-commit.sh script:
$ ln -s ../../scripts/pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit