python front-end TK minimal interface for sending data in HTTP GET requests via string appended to URI context
Edit the sendit function to replace YOURSERVERGOESHERE with your webserver or backend server. If you are on a unix based system like mac, linux, or bsd, you can use the included sh_sb program to configure a copy that is edited automatically:
chmod +x sh_sb
./sh_sb $YOURURL
Note that if you just send to a default NGINX or Apache2 server configuration, the data will be stored to disk and readable by the administrator or anyone who has access to that disk of the server because base64 is not encryption, just there for transport in this case.
See for example server data configuration
Store the web logs to disk and then pipe data from memory into a local block chain or just file organizing, with optional configurable encryption layers.
The idea is to use this to send the data to a server
in an HTTPS GET request via data packed into the URI context.
If the server is setup to read the request data and then
extract these strings, they can be encrypted server side
and then stored on the file system or just extracted from
web logs if you don't have a custom web service to do
that data manipulation. The logs or custom back-end
files on the server then can be used to access the data.
As long as your server uses HTTPS and you are not MITM'd with a proxy on a (work) network
the data you send will be encrypted in transit. There is also the potential to
do encryption afterwards on the server side with the data, and/or before in
another function etc.
Anaconda python has all of the modules ready to go.