An HTTPS client app template in python with requests module, built for the salsa_falcon.
Replace the URI context /api/encrypt/1 etc, with the URI contexts you configure in your salsa_falcon routes.
In the template, within the YAML input stream, the tag "datasegment" will get processed by "salsafalconE" and the "eseg" data will get sent to "salsafalconD".
This client template takes in a YAML file called struct.yml which defines encryption and decryption salsa falcon endpoints as well as data to encrypt and decrypt. The program could be expanded to have multiple yaml files loaded and processed etc. This example has two client threads to two different salsa_falcon servers, encrypting some strings. Even with the salsa_falcon being remote, the speed is good.
$ python
2021-10-17 00:14:26.107058 -> Loaded struct1.yml for salsa20...
2021-10-17 00:14:26.107171 <- Sending to salsa falcon.
2021-10-17 00:14:26.111168 -> Loaded struct2.yml for salsa20...
2021-10-17 00:14:26.111194 <- Sending to salsa falcon.
2021-10-17 00:14:26.375488 df0178797551 -> Recv thread 2 output: b'e96a1c9e2f2d7a3a411eed767b0969d1334885e48def18723d79a628f90f659c525a2b0404c4ae154d4abbdd79fb832b217de087765825fffff23ffff726f53519d15c8ac4eb50f19c0f5a2e'
2021-10-17 00:14:26.519678 df0178797551 -> Recv thread 2 output: b'1444f0c324cc4f23aa8792642a'
2021-10-17 00:14:26.530474 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'39323963306537366631356431343432323964333230'
2021-10-17 00:14:26.664828 df0178797551 -> Recv thread 2 output: b'425ed87f679cba4a0189803a508161'
2021-10-17 00:14:26.748891 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'306462366132613437626365626363633638363230306138'
2021-10-17 00:14:26.809334 df0178797551 -> Recv thread 2 output: b'42012809259659f32f1dc8fdddefcce805cccd3b3786efea251d4cfd1bb7459dc09f5b09ab6fb9b1775bb1aac355d2b415407d72f9bce7767be976eb894782'
2021-10-17 00:14:26.962262 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'366361303938313466633435383335363736336165626130646534393136'
2021-10-17 00:14:27.170391 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'3733623265373031616639393164343966333438'
2021-10-17 00:14:27.385008 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'356337303966613635396331376537643131343337303235396236663831376432356331333931326539633964383162346633336438316138376638376264633335333538393632616364663363336163346234376635613931306134633632346132646535376537356564346134323837303638386565373133313436646266333232643534666661353634303939326364356237353338363961343337633465323663306630'
2021-10-17 00:14:27.599081 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'356339646637373166626661613238366332613139376362616139363033326463386462326530323362323566646239346230386531313664663933366561636433666163653335376564323235373266626239386535393039643561646338316332376130373933356330393937626566623434323265383039323365326563303362633139643838353932343863353963373161323432633731376362616562666437383365'
2021-10-17 00:14:27.814579 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'3838663630656664393236373830386134323461356430353932313434363033333563646130306237646236376439383737396236303635323533353862366330356439303061346236663336343035663739346565643037353963313861646234376631633933363536623738323236613238316562646239306565353031623932333339373666656330306130376464643738663931'
2021-10-17 00:14:28.028348 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'663037393464616430373561366662646163313638633865323830623735303237656366353766396262353364316164313164346566666362336166383261663962393834323131386430313333303634353435666463313139623665626461323263393932313639666332353630646365336632653766303232343233376432323965623239636239303161653730393339616631353739333930633363313966373634396665'
2021-10-17 00:14:28.245654 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'34396635316637656537373164383032326232396162373861626538383666306231653765656337'
2021-10-17 00:14:28.471847 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'38316166356165356430373435633630366539633338313532633066313865336231653536643430383437393036393637646532343235386363626566643732373561633136396162656565636439653337623762633531'
2021-10-17 00:14:28.695111 950d29aeba1a -> Recv thread 1 output: b'356134356364616366396531323134663037633530653434303333393863343234656464353437346639333736333266353631653631653532356235356665363063626134643335666465313363393935653361353431393436393135613436393233636134323231623664666435353333366563323136643633613838643330356237646533313133643238326237316261333432633061326539623365396238653530346238'
The purpose of this is for tracking and audit, without exposing the URI context of the falcon route to the output.
That hash is only truncated to save disk space in the output, you can remove the truncate and print the full SHA256 if you like.
echo -n "https://mycoolsalsafalcon:8000/api/encrypt/0" | sha256sum | cut -c1-12
The segments to decrypt are defined as eseg while the data segments to encrypt are labelled datasegment:
- "do salsa20 on some YAML values"
- "Honk honk honk"
- 52e323fc8d924e2290f02ceb
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/encrypt/1"
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/decrypt/funtimeswithuricontexts"
You can have any number of executions and it will iterate through them:
- "do salsa20 on some YAML values"
- "Honk honk honk"
- 52e323fc8d924e2290f02ceb
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/encrypt/1"
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/decrypt/funtimeswithuricontexts"
- "Honk honk honk honk honk honk 2"
- 52e323fc8d924e2290f02ce1
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/encrypt/2"
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/decrypt/funtimeswithuricontexts2"
If you only want to decrypt or only want to encrypt, just leave out the YAML keys you don't need:
- "Honk honk honk"
- "More things, encoded images, whatevs."
- "Further things we want to send around."
- "Honk honk honk honk honk honk 2"
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/encrypt/2"
To include a second salsafalconE, nest them within separate structures, or otherwise modify the template.
- "Honk honk honk"
- "More things, encoded images, whatevs."
- "Further things we want to send around."
- "Honk honk honk honk honk honk 2"
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/encrypt/2"
- "Honk honk honk"
- "More things, encoded images, whatevs."
- "Further things we want to send around."
- "Honk honk honk honk honk honk 2"
- "https://mycoolsalsafalcon/api/encrypt/1"
Also note that the output of the template is hex encoded by default. This does not mean that the encryption was successful or that the data is encrypted.
$ echo -n "7b227469746c65223a2022343034204e6f7420466f756e64227d" | xxd -r -p
{"title": "404 Not Found"}$
The salsa falcon/s used could be local and/or remote. I like to have remote salsa falcons with encrypt only set ups, and put the decrypt api elsewhere. This creates nice control over the decryption mechanism and more importantly, the secret key and the ability to decrypt is never on the client or build systems, even if the original plaintext is on disk when the YAML stream is loaded. The salsa falcon and yaml dip are some pieces for custom network-bound or identity-bound, object encryption. The decryption routines can be different routes (URI contexts) per identity, or physically isolated to a specific network/system.