administrative console .bashrc
Installation of this can make it difficult or impossible to get a root bash shell. Root bash sessions become trapped inside of this admin cli. The desu installer makes it even more difficult to get a full root shell back.
control+d should get you back to a real shell, you might have to do it repeatedly.
Current version is for systems that use "aptitude", so that is a prerequisite for your_grace at this time.
apt-get install -y aptitude
Install your_grace:
sudo su -
chmod +x install_your_grace
And then say goodbyte to your regular root bash shell.
To more fully lock it away, use the desu version of the install script:
chmod +x desu_install_your_grace
Or just disable user access to "su" another way. Without disabling su, a user could get a regular root shell still via "su root -c sh" and so forth.
Say goodbyte to your regular root bash shell, and regular root shells.
Navigate the menus to execute different tasks on the CLI.
Added packages from after your_grace is installed are tracked in /opt/added/packages.list These are the only packages that can be removed while in your_grace, thus protecting the core system packages in that way. However the core system packages, and all packages, can also be upgraded with aptitude-based maintenance. And the added packages feature can by bypassed in the maintenance menu with the interactive aptitude option.
Use on Debian 10 or Ubuntu etc.
Known bugs:
PATH can get temporarily unset with some usage
memory leak from old sleeping instances of your_grace