First make sure you're using python 2.7.10, Macs' already have python installed but just in case go [here] (https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx/) and find the 2.7.10 version and select the Mac Installer.
Go to your terminal once you have installed python and type in
, you should see the following: -
Now let's install pip using easy_install and type in your password:
sudo easy_install pip
With pip installed, install one of the libraries we're going to use:
pip install pyautogui
Now you should be able to run the following command inside the Python repl:
. -
You can also run it directly from the command line with:
python tetris.py
Once you have it up and running, the instructions are as follows:
- a (return): move piece left
- d (return): move piece right
- w (return): rotate piece counter clockwise
- s (return): rotate piece clockwise