(tie-dye graphs)
Long time series datasets can be difficult to plot and examine using static
figures. Interactive plots using the
dygraphs package are a great tool but are
currently not easily implemented for tidy data. This package provides methods
for dygraph()
to make it easier to plot tidy time series. Currently there are
methods for dataframes and tibbles, grouped tibbles, and tsibbles.
Currently tydygraphs is only available on GitHub. You can install the current development version using remotes or by downloading and building from source:
# Install using remotes
# or from source
tydygraphs_source <- file.path(tempdir(), "tydygraphs-master.zip")
exdir = dirname(tydygraphs_source))
install.packages(sub(".zip$", "", tydygraphs_source),
repos = NULL,
type = "source")
The examples for tydygraphs can be seen at https://jpshanno.github.io/tydygraphs/, where the example plots can be interactive.
- Automatic detection of time columns if
time = NULL
- Add unit tests