A simple streaming parser for parsing out mpeg audio frame metadata, such as bitrate, sample rate, etc
npm install mpeg-frame-parser
The parser is simply a stream in objectMode, so you can pipe and binary data into it and it will spit out frame objects.
var Frames = require('mpeg-frame-parser')
, stream = require('fs').createReadStream('./my-audio.mp3')
var parser = stream.pipe(new Frames());
parser.on('data', function(frame){
console.log(frame.bitRate) // => 128000
frame objects contain the following keys:
frame = {
bitrate => 12800 1600 etc
padding => 1
sampleRate => 44100 48000 etc
mode => Mono Stereo Joint Dual
channels => 1 or 2
size => int bytes
version => 1 2 2.5
layer => 1 2
use in conjunction with my ID3v1 parser and ID3v2 parser for more data.