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This application manages domains, users and aliases of a mail server.

This has been tested with dovecot, using either mysql or postgresql database.

The main goal was to enhance/replace Jeffrey Boehm’s PHP mailserver-admin application because I didn’t want to have a mail server administration application in PHP and I wanted to have administration account per domain.

Environment variables


  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: at least 40 characters. Should be specified for production.
  • DJANGO_DB_TYPE: postgres or mysql, default to mysql.
  • DJANGO_DB_HOST: database hostname, default to db (for use in docker-compose).
  • DJANGO_DB_PORT: database port, default to empty (default port).
  • DJANGO_DB_NAME: database name, default to mailserver.
  • DJANGO_DB_USER: database user, default to mailserver.
  • DJANGO_DB_PASSWORD: database password, default to changeme.


  • DJANGO_DEBUG: default False. Set to True to enable debug toolbar, more logs and static files served.
  • DJANGO_RUNSERVER_LOG_LEVEL: default to INFO (DEBUG if DJANGO_DEBUG). Used only when run with runserver or runserver_plus.
  • DJANGO_TZ: timezone, defaut to UTC.
  • DJANGO_DKIM_PATH: directory path to store dkim private key and selectors. To be used by rspamd-dkim. Default to /etc/dkim.
  • DJANGO_WEBMAIL_URL: webmail url to show in the footer, default to no link.
  • DJANGO_VENDOR_NAME: any vendor name you want to appear on the footer, default to Sources.
  • DJANGO_VENDOR_URL: any url you want to be linked to your vendor name, default to this repository url. Set to empty to disable the link.
  • DJANGO_HIDE_VERSION: default False if DJANGO_DEBUG else True. Set to True to hide the mailserver-admin version.

Install from Docker Hub

Using docker directly:

docker run --name msa \
    -p 80:80 \
    -e DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=12345678901234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \
    -e DJANGO_DB_TYPE=mysql \
    --link yourmariadb:db \
docker exec -ti msa pipenv run ./ createsuperuser

Of course this is simple using docker-compose:

        image: mariadb
            - "MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes"
            - "MYSQL_DATABASE=mailserver"
            - "MYSQL_USER=mailserver"
            - "MYSQL_PASSWORD=pwd"
        image: jrdasm/mailserver-admin:<version>
            - "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=12345678901234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
            - "DJANGO_DB_TYPE=mysql"
            - "DJANGO_DB_NAME=mailserver"
            - "DJANGO_DB_USER=mailserver"
            - "DJANGO_DB_PASSWORD=pwd"
            - "80:80"
docker-compose exec msa pipenv run ./ createsuperuser

Install from PyPi

VirtualEnv and Dependencies

Minium python version is 3.9.


pipenv install mailserver-admin

to install it without any database backend.

If you want to install the mysql or postgresql database backend alongside, use for instance:

pipenv install mailserver-admin[mysql]


Define the required environment variables then:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mailserveradmin.config.settings
pipenv run django migrate
pipenv run django createsuperuser

You can use pipenv run django migrate --fake-initial if you already have a mysql or postgresql database with existing schema/data.

You can now server the application using any WSGI server pointing to $(VISUAL='readlink -f' pipenv open mailserveradmin|tail -n1)/config/

Don’t forget to also serve static ressources located at $(VISUAL='readlink -f' pipenv open mailserveradmin|tail -n1)/to_serve folder.

You can of course make symlinks to those locations to simplify configuration.

Install from sources

VirtualEnv and Dependencies


pipenv sync -d

to install dependencies. Default python version is 3.9.


You should also install a database driver, either mysqlclient or psycopg2-binary:

pipenv run pip install mysqlclient


Define the required environment variables then:

pipenv run ./ migrate
pipenv run ./ createsuperuser
pipenv run ./ collectstatic

You can now server the application using any WSGI server pointing to the config/ file.

Don’t forget to also serve the static/ folder.

Alternatively, you can test the application with pipenv run ./ runserver_plus but this should only be used for testing/development.