A web app for personalized swiping and liking.
01-2019: You can now upload your own profile image! 12-2017: First release of Jinder onto the world!
- This app's functionality was heavily inpired by the JTinder Jquery plugin. Check it out at https://github.com/do-web/jTinder
- The image resizing cloud function is taken from https://angularfirebase.com/lessons/image-thumbnail-resizer-cloud-function/
- React
- Firebase for authentication, storage, DB and cloud function
- Jest + Enzyme for testing
- Typescript (only the service at the moment, not the react components)
- of course, Webpack & Babel for build
Deployed using Netlify. See the netlify.toml file for configuration.
- Can analyze bundle-size using WebpackBundleAnalyzer by building using the webpack.dev config (e.g. by running npm-start). For more info, see this hackernoon post.
- @google-cloud/storage: Node SDK for Google Cloud Storage
- fs-extra: mirrors the existing node filesystem methods, but uses Promises, allow the use async/await
- sharp: An easy to use Promise-based package for the image resizing operations that is about 4x faster than the built-in ImageMagick