This repository provides a collection of implementations of statistical models in different programming languages.
The purpose is to simply translate the same model from one programming language to another programming language. This might be useful in statistical consulting if advisor and advice seeker use different programs.
The programming languages are:
- SAS (
- R (
- Python (
- Julia (
Further languages will be added in the future.
The current models are:
- 01 Simple linear regression
- 02 Multiple linear regression
- 03 Simple logistic regression
- 04 Multiple logistic regression
- 05 Simple Cox regression
- 06 Multiple Cox regression
- 07 MMRM Mixed model repeated measures
- 08 Poisson regression
- 09 Negative binomial regression
Further models will be added in the future.
For each model the SAS output will be provided with some explanations. For more details see the respective manuals.
For each model the respective code will be provided in R, Python, and Julia for reproducing of the SAS output. The work is still in progress.
For each model a working sheet will be provided in R so that users can calculate the model with their own data. This might be helpful in statistical consulting to help people help themselves.