This middleware creates a series of endpoints to help you monitor and manage your application when it's pushed to production.
It is based on Spring Boot Actuator and the healthcheck-ping module by Mathias Schreck.
These are the endpoints available:
/info - Displays application information.
{ "build": { "description": "This is my new app", "name": "MyApp", "version": "1.0.0" }, "git": { "branch": "master", "commit": { "id": "329a314", "time": 1478086940000 } } }
IMPORTANT: To get this information the middleware have some sort of logic:
- If the express app is executed with
npm start
it will get the data from process.env - If the express app is executed with
node app.js
the module will look for a file named package.json where the node command was launched. - Git information will show only if exists a
file where the app was launched. You can use node-git-info to generate this file.
- If the express app is executed with
/metrics - Shows ‘metrics’ information for the current application.
{ "mem": { "heapTotal": 14659584, "heapUsed": 10615072, "rss": 30093312 }, "uptime": 19.797 }
$ npm install express-actuator-healthcheck --save
var actuator = require('express-actuator');
var app = express();
If you want the endpoints to be available on a custom endpoint you can do so:
app.use(actuator('/management')); // It will set /management/info instead of /info
You have to create a file 'healthcheck.config.yml' in the BFF directory to verify the dependencies external of module.
Example of the YML configuration file:
- name: Google
- name: The New York Time
- name: Test Fail EndPoint