This project was graded 101/100.
- João Caetano - joacaeta
- Nuno Jesus - ncarvalh
Ever thought about how shells work? How commands are executed? How your input is decyphered into commands and arguments? This is a chance of learning about input parsing, processes, signals, pipelines and more!
The implementation of this project is based on the original Bourne-Again Shell (BASH)
although some details were customized or not implemented (e.g. unclosed pipes).
Here's a list of features our minishell has:
- A prompt with powerlevel10k inspired theme;
- Lexer and parser for the input;
- A working history;
- Builtin commands such as echo, cd, pwd, export, unset, env and exit;
- Signal handling for ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\\;
- Pipelining of commands;
- Redirection of input and output;
- Environment variables;
- Direct declaration of temporary environment variables (A=3);
- Expansion of environment variables ($HOME, $PWD, etc) and exit status ($?);
At 42, the C projects are built following a bunch of rules that enforce good coding style. Some of them are:
- No for, do while, switch, case or goto are allowed
- No more than 25 lines per function and 5 functions per file
- No assigns and declarations in the same line (unless static)
- No more than 5 variables in 1 function
File Name | Functionality |
libft/ | Contains 42 library functions and a few others added in the project |
srcs/ | Contains all the source files |
srcs/commands/ | Contains all the builtin commands |
srcs/debug/ | A file with debugging helper functions |
srcs/executor/ | Pre and post execution of processes handling |
srcs/parser/ | Lexeme list and AST formation when input is received |
srcs/signals/ | Has the signal installers and signal handlers |
srcs/utils/ | Contains all the utility functions |
input.c | Infinite while loop to read input and where the main stages of input parsing are called |
main.c | Entry point of the program |
To compile minishell you should run make
in the terminal.
This rule will generate a minishell
file, which is the zipped version of all the object files. To launch the executable you should follow this syntax...
$ ./minishell
This project was tested using self-made tests and other colleagues pressure tests.