This is a port of Henning Karlsen's UTFT library to Energia Launchpads and ESP32.
This version adds support for ARM-based Stellarpads (now discontinued) and msp430-based Launchpad and Fraunchpads.
New! added support for ESP32-based Node32s (pinout here).
Tested on S6D1121 in 8-bit mode and SSD1289 in 16-bit mode. (Update: now pin-compatible with Daniel Rebollo's boosterpack. See here.)
8-bit mode: D0-D7=GND; D8-D15=PD0-3, PA4-7; RS=PC_6; WR=PC_5; CS=PC_7; RST=PC_4; RD=Pullup.
16-bit mode: D0-D7=PB0-PB7; D8-D15=PD0-3, PA4-7; RS=PC_6; WR=PC_5; CS=PC_7; RST=PC_4; RD=Pullup.
- 8-bit mode: D0-D7=GND; D8-D15=P1.0-P1.7; RS=P2.0; WR=P2.5; CS=P2.6; RST=P2.1; RD=Pullup.
- 8-bit mode: D0-D7=GND; D8-D15=P2.0-P2.7; RS=P1.4; WR=P1.5; CS=P1.6; RST=P1.7; RD=Pullup.
- 8-bit mode: D0-D7=23,22,21,19,18,17,16,4; RS=32; WR=33; CS=25; RST=26; RD=Pullup.