Use this wrapper in you custom strategy DLL
To use the MQL4CSharp library with nuget. Create a new Visual Studio project, and include the MQLWrapper.cs file.
This will expose the DLL functions to Metatrader and call the underlying library.
Make sure that you update the dll import in the mql4csharp.mq4 file:
#import "MQL4CSharp.dll"
#import "yourprojectname.dll"
Get the nuget package:
PM> Install-Package MQL4CSharp
Don't forget to copy all of the DLLs that are created by the build to the same directory as your metatrader terminal.exe
Then you need to copy "yourprojectname.dll"
to the MQL/Libraries directory
And also the *.mqh
files need to be copied to your MQL/Include directory
Here are the MQL files mentiond above.