AS A beer enthusiast and a traveler I WANT to find a nearby breweries to unwind where ever I travel
GIVEN an application with Search input and instructions on how to navigate the page WHEN I search for a city THEN I am presented with breweries in the city WHEN I view breweries for that city THEN I am presented with the brewery name, a favorite button, brewery information, and a static map displaying location of brewery WHEN I view the static map THEN I am presented with street names, popular locations nearby and a pin to the exact latitude and longitude of the brewery WHEN I click the favorite button THEN I am presented with a shaded button indicated that brewery was saved to my local storage WHEN I view the footer THEN I am presented with the favorites link WHEN I click the favorites link THEN I am taken to a seperate page that displays my favorite breweries saved in my local storage WHEN I click the go back to home page button THEN I am taken back to home page where I can keep searching breweries
Open Brewery: MapBox Static Map:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Materialize, Jquery