The objective of this project is to model and visualize the fire propagation in a forest.
The forests are build randomly, one of the trees get randomly set on fire and the interface (both CLI and GUI) will display the fire
propagation evolution step by step.
The project core algorithm is done in the Forest class. It is an abstract class. The Forest class create a grid of Tree objects and manage the fire propagation.
The display part of the project is done in the ForestCli and ForestGui classes. They both inherit from the Forest class (parent).
The display and algorithm parts are separated. That way we can modify the algorithm or the CLI/GUI without impacting the others parts of the program.
In order to run the program, you first need to create a Python virtual environment and install the necessary libraries:
Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
Install Python libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the simulation for both the CLI and GUI
cd src