Simple android App that shows air pollution level in the biggest cities of Poland.
AirPollutionMonitoring is a App version of project that I created to pass "The basics of Software Engineering" course. Created to show my basic understanding of popular Android liblaries and frameworks and as a training before building another "real" project.
During development process I learned and practiced how to :
- follow a basic Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture with Dagger (when needed)
- use dependency injection framewroks both for views (ButterKnife) and modules (Dagger 2)
- retrive data asynchronously with RXJava
- consume REST API in JSON format with Retrofit and Moshi adapter
There is no future of AirPollutionMonitoringApp. The whole project was created to practice basic usage of frameworks mentioned above. Now I will probably end up learning Kotlin, MVVM and building real project that will be uploaded to Google Play Store