Please see the Makefile
s in each code example directory.
They contain instructions on how to build the examples, as well as some
background information on each example to help you remember what we were
2012-09-12: Introduction to C++
2012-09-17: Function Calls / Strings and Streams
2012-09-19: Managing Object Resources
2012-09-24: Introduction to the STL
Correctness - no code samples (see the lecture notes for snippets) -
2012-10-01: Inheritance
2012-10-03: Casts and Conversions
Creational Design Patterns
- Singleton
- Factory Method
- Abstract Factory (no code example)
- Builder
- Prototype
Behavioural Design Patterns
- Command
- Iterator (no code example)
- Observer
- Memento
- State
- Strategy
- Template
- Visitor
- Skipped:
- Chain of Command
- Interpreter
- Mediator
Structural Design Patterns
- Adapter
- Bridge
- Composite
- Decorator (no code example)
- Flyweight (no code example)
- Skipped:
- Façade
- Proxy