PPReCOGG is a machine learning model for the Per-Pixel Recognition of Cancers using Oriented Gabor filters on the GPU.
More helpfully, PPReCOGG is software that uses texture-based features to help classify and differentiate early breast cancer lesions in microscopy images of fluorescently labelled breast tissue, such as that you'd extract from a breast biopsy.
This library is almost, but not quite complete; much like the master's thesis for which it was written.
Documentation is available here.
N.B.: Ease of installation and portability needs to be improved. Environments other than Anaconda Python 3 on Windows & Linux are not supported at this time.
PPReCOGG Dependencies:
- h5py (v.2.7.0)
- matplotlib (v.2.0.2)
- numpy (v1.13.1)
- pillow (v4.2.1)
- pytables (v.3.2.2)
- scikit-image (v.0.13.0)
- theano (v0.9.0)
PPReCOGG can be used as a python library or interactively through its CLI.
from pprecogg import gaborExtract, classifyFeatures
# path to the image you wish to classify
unknown_img_path = "/path/to/unknown/image"
# paths to the images whose class you know
adh_img_path = "/path/to/adh/image"
dcis_img_path = "/path/to/dcis/image"
# features are extracted into HDF5 files, and extract_gabor_features
# returns the path to said file
unknown_features_path = gaborExtract.extract_gabor_features(unknown_img_path)
adh_features_path = gaborExtract.extract_gabor_features(adh_img_path)
dcis_features_path = gaborExtract.extract_gabor_features(dcis_img_path)
# classify features from unknown image.
# returns an array of class ID and an array of classified coordinates
# indexed by class (see: that array of class IDs)
class_names,classified_coords = classifyFeatures.classify_features(unknown_features_path,
# we can convert this into a dictionary where the key is the class name
# and the value are the coordinates that belong to it
classified_coords_dict = {class_names[class_num]: class_coords for class_num, class_coords in enumerate(classified_coords)}
# small ergonomic function to plot classified pixels on to the
# unknown image
Simplest way to use PPReCOGG in CLI mode is to use the full_auto
Step One: Create configuration file config.json
"unknown_image": "/path/to/unknown/image",
/* optional, for rerunning */
"unknown_features": "/path/to/unknown/features.h5",
/* optional, for rerunning */
the smaller, the faster the computations.
the bigger, the higher resolution output.
"resize": 510
Step Two: Run PPReCOGG in full_auto
python -m pprecogg full_auto --config_file config.json