Flask web app for Juniper JSNAPy (Junos Snapshot Administrator). Allows you to take a before and after snapshots to be used for verifying services after making a change to a Juniper device.
Only tested on Ubuntu/Debian-based Linux distros.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev
sudo pip install jsnapy Flask flask-wtf
- Run with
python app.py
- Click the settings icon to update the credentials and selected testfiles/location and click Update.
- Take a pre-change snapshot by entering a hostnaame/IP, selecting Pre, and clicking Submit.
- Take a post-change snapshot by entering the same hostname/IP, selecting Post, and clicking Submit.
- Once the post snapshot is complete, it will be compared with the pre-change snapshot and output displayed.
- Green = All tests passed/skipped
- Red = A test has failed
- Grey = All test skipped (nothing found to test)
- Click on each section to expand tests/details
Some test files based on:
Flask tutorial: