1.Added async and minified perfmatters.js
2.Minified style.css, index.html
3.Compressed and resized images
4.Added media="print" to print.css
5.Added @import in css for Open Sans, to avoid render blocking
Modifyied views/js/main.js to get 60 fps or higher.
Modified for loop in updatePositions function to lessen DOM requests
Decreased number of pizzas rendered to 70
Some useful tips to help you get started:
- Check out the repository
- To inspect the site on your phone, you can run a local server
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
- Open a browser and visit localhost:8080
- Download and install ngrok to the top-level of your project directory to make your local server accessible remotely.
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder
$> ./ngrok http 8080
- Copy the public URL ngrok gives you and try running it through PageSpeed Insights! Optional: More on integrating ngrok, Grunt and PageSpeed.
Check views/js/main.js using Chrome Dev Tools to verify frames per second rate is 60 fps or higher.
You might find the FPS Counter/HUD Display useful in Chrome developer tools described here: Chrome Dev Tools tips-and-tricks.