A reactive SQS Poller (Any other polling source can be implemented) that adapts the concurrency to the response:
- When there is messages, concurrency can grow in different strategies:
- fastest: When there is messages grow to MAX, when there is no messages for a concurrent 'worker' scale down by 1.
- linear: When there is messages grow by +N, when there is no messages for a concurrent 'worker' scale down by 1.
- exponential: When there is messages grow by *N, when there is no messages for a concurrent 'worker' scale down by 1.
This library is published to maven central, you can use either raw reactor-poller-core
or reactor-poller-sqs
Reactor Poller Core Reactor Poller SQS
implementation 'com.jcarrey:reactor-poller-core:0.2.0'
implementation 'com.jcarrey:reactor-poller-sqs:0.2.0'
This is raw usage sample, that could be extended to any polling source
var random = new Random();
Poller<Integer> poller = () -> Mono.fromSupplier(() -> random.nextInt(3));
var options = ConcurrencyControlOptions.<Integer>builder()
.strategy(value -> switch (value) {
case 0 -> ConcurrencyControlOperation.ScaleUp;
case 1 -> ConcurrencyControlOperation.ScaleDown;
default -> ConcurrencyControlOperation.Noop;
ReactorPoller.adaptative(poller, options).subscribe();
var sqsClient = SqsAsyncClient.builder().build();
var queueUrl = "....";
var receiveRequest = ReceiveMessageRequest.builder()
var options = ConcurrencyControlOptions.<ReceiveMessageResponse>builder()
ReactorPoller.adaptative(new SqsPoller(sqsClient, receiveRequest), options).subscribe();