A simple Swift abstraction layer of AudioKit Tonic package to play with Scales, notes and chords.
Basically to easy answer the following questions:
What are the notes belonging to a scale and tone?
What are the chords belonging to a scale and tone?
What are the notes belonging to a chord?
Simple list of all possible scales
Simple list of all one-octave notes
/// In this example we get all Notes for C major scale.
MusicLogic.getScaleNotes(note: .C, inScale: .major)
/// In this example we get all Chords for C major scale.
MusicLogic.getScaleChords(note: .C, inScale: .major)
/// In this example we get all notes for Amaj9 Chord
MusicLogic.getChordNotes(chord: Chord(.A, type: .majorAddNine))
AudioKit Tonic: https://github.com/AudioKit/Tonic.git