To minimize food wastage by connecting foodsupplier(Restaurant, Hotels, ...) with NGO(Old age home, Orphanages)
App selected for savethehacker-2017[http://www.savethehacker.com/] Hackathon.
Foodsupplier or NGO can signup or register.
Foodsupplier can sponser food by filling-up a SPONSER-FOOD form, as soon as the foodsupplier does that a request is send to NGO as Food available request.
NGO can request for food by filling-up a NEED-FOOD form, as soon as the NGO does that a request is send to Foodsupplier as NEED-Food request.
- SMS/Email alert to NGO and Foodsupplier
- Maps to find location of NGO and Foodsupplier for better co-ordination
- Recommendation of food-availablity to NGO
- Recommendation for food-sponsoring to Foodsuppliers
- API for IOS/Andriod/3rd-party apps.
- Clone the code
git clone https://github.com/judeaugustinej/buwwa.git
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run migrations
python manage.py migrate
- Create a user.
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Start the app
python manage.py runserver
- UserType
id | user_type |
1 | foodsupplier |
2 | ngo |
- FoodType
id | food_type |
1 | milk |
2 | vegatables |
3 | snacks |
- FoodState
id | food_state |
1 | Food made availiable by supplier |
2 | Food taken by NGO |
3 | Need Food request raised by NGO |
- UserProfile
id | user_type | food_type | user_type | quantity | contact_number | user_type | contact_number | user_type | food_state |
- FoodRequest
user_id | user_type | food_type | food_state |
- Django - Fullstack web-app ie(MVC)
- Django-rest-framework - Rest-api
- Database - PostgresDB
- Deployment - Heroku
- CI-CD - git-travis-Heroku
- Jude
- sri
- karthick
- Seperate UI from Backend.
- Dockerise the app.
- Deploy in aws
- Native iOS/Andriod support