-- import "github.com/juju/errgo"
The errors package provides a way to create and diagnose errors. It is compatible with the usual Go error idioms but adds a way to wrap errors so that they record source location information while retaining a consistent way for code to inspect errors to find out particular problems.
func Any(error) bool
Any returns true. It can be used as an argument to Mask to allow any diagnosis to pass through to the wrapped error.
func Cause(err error) error
Cause returns the cause of the given error. If err does not implement Causer or its Cause method returns nil, it returns err itself.
Cause is the usual way to diagnose errors that may have been wrapped by Mask or NoteMask.
func Details(err error) string
Details returns information about the stack of underlying errors wrapped by err, in the format:
[{filename:99: error one} {otherfile:55: cause of error one}]
The details are found by type-asserting the error to the Locationer, Causer and Wrapper interfaces. Details of the underlying stack are found by recursively calling Underlying when the underlying error implements Wrapper.
func Is(err error) func(error) bool
Is returns a function that returns whether the an error is equal to the given error. It is intended to be used as a "pass" argument to Mask and friends; for example:
return errors.Mask(err, errors.Is(http.ErrNoCookie))
would return an error with an http.ErrNoCookie cause only if that was err's diagnosis; otherwise the diagnosis would be itself.
func Mask(underlying error, pass ...func(error) bool) error
Mask returns an Err that wraps the given underyling error. The error message is unchanged, but the error location records the caller of Mask.
If err is nil, Mask returns nil.
By default Mask conceals the cause of the wrapped error, but if pass(Cause(err)) returns true for any of the provided pass functions, the cause of the returned error will be Cause(err).
For example, the following code will return an error whose cause is the error from the os.Open call when (and only when) the file does not exist.
f, err := os.Open("non-existent-file")
if err != nil {
return errors.Mask(err, os.IsNotExist)
In order to add context to returned errors, it is conventional to call Mask when returning any error received from elsewhere.
func MaskFunc(allow ...func(error) bool) func(error, ...func(error) bool) error
MaskFunc returns an equivalent of Mask that always allows the specified causes in addition to any causes specified when the returned function is called.
It is defined for convenience, for example when all calls to Mask in a given package wish to allow the same set of causes to be returned.
func New(s string) error
New returns a new error with the given error message and no cause. It is a drop-in replacement for errors.New from the standard library.
func Newf(f string, a ...interface{}) error
Newf returns a new error with the given printf-formatted error message and no cause.
func NoteMask(underlying error, msg string, pass ...func(error) bool) error
NoteMask returns an Err that has the given underlying error, with the given message added as context, and allowing the cause of the underlying error to pass through into the result if allowed by the specific pass functions (see Mask for an explanation of the pass parameter).
func Notef(underlying error, f string, a ...interface{}) error
Notef returns an Error that wraps the given underlying error and adds the given formatted context message. The returned error has no cause (use NoteMask or WithCausef to add a message while retaining a cause).
func WithCausef(underlying, cause error, f string, a ...interface{}) error
WithCausef returns a new Error that wraps the given (possibly nil) underlying error and associates it with the given cause. The given formatted message context will also be added.
type Causer interface {
Cause() error
Causer is the type of an error that may provide an error cause for error diagnosis. Cause may return nil if there is no cause (for example because the cause has been masked).
type Err struct {
// Message_ holds the text of the error message. It may be empty
// if Underlying is set.
Message_ string
// Cause_ holds the cause of the error as returned
// by the Cause method.
Cause_ error
// Underlying holds the underlying error, if any.
Underlying_ error
// Location holds the source code location where the error was
// created.
Location_ Location
Err holds a description of an error along with information about where the error was created.
It may be embedded in custom error types to add extra information that this errors package can understand.
func (e *Err) Cause() error
Cause implements Causer.
func (e *Err) Error() string
Error implements error.Error.
func (e *Err) GoString() string
GoString returns the details of the receiving error message, so that printing an error with %#v will produce useful information.
func (e *Err) Location() Location
Location implements Locationer.
func (e *Err) Message() string
Message returns the top level error message.
func (e *Err) SetLocation(callDepth int)
Locate records the source location of the error by setting e.Location, at callDepth stack frames above the call.
func (e *Err) Underlying() error
Underlying returns the underlying error if any.
type Location struct {
File string
Line int
Location describes a source code location.
func (loc Location) IsSet() bool
IsSet reports whether the location has been set.
func (loc Location) String() string
String returns a location in filename.go:99 format.
type Locationer interface {
Location() Location
Location can be implemented by any error type that wants to expose the source location of an error.
type Wrapper interface {
// Message returns the top level error message,
// not including the message from the underlying
// error.
Message() string
// Underlying returns the underlying error, or nil
// if there is none.
Underlying() error
Wrapper is the type of an error that wraps another error. It is exposed so that external types may implement it, but should in general not be used otherwise.