Django based web app to enable registered users to define custom comic strips, request new features and report bugs. Also includes a user forum for general discussion, productivity charts to indicate developer work rates and finally documentation for developers who wish to contribute. This site has been deployed on Heroku:
The app was developed using web framework Django alongside Python, using its Model-View-Template structure. Productivity charts are visualised using JavaScript libraries Chartist.js and moment.js. Dynamic front end elements were implemented using jQuery. For device responsiveness Bootstrap is employed.
- Custom Comic Strip: Users can define their own personal comic strips by adding self authored images and narrative
- Tickets: Raise requests for new features or raise bugs. Upvote to speed up the development of a solution and comment on individual tickets
- Forum: Users can raise their own topics for discussion and discuss each topic at leisure
- Productivity: Gain an overall insight in to productivity via charts showing tickets raised over time
A five colour palette was generated using to ensure proper colour coordination. Full details in palette.txt
Google Fonts: "Permanent Marker" (major headings), "Kalam" (sub headings and buttons), "Arsenal" (body text). Cursive heading fonts used to reflect a comic book style.
Mockup constructed using WireframePro Version 3.0.9. see wireframe.pdf
- HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript
- Python 3.7
- jQuery 3.3.1
- Django 2.0.8
- Bootstrap 4.1.3
- Chartist.js
- moment.js
- Stripe
- AWS S3 for media hosting
- Heroku - deployed website
- Ensure you have Python 3.7 installed
- Set up a virtual environment using pip:
python3 -m venv .
- Clone github repository:
git clone
- Run
python runserver
and the project will run on
Forty tests have been implemented using the Django testing suite to test the various models, views and forms across all of the apps within this project. Test outcomes are available in test_outcomes.txt. Travis CI is being used for continuous integration testing.
Images retrieved from Wikimedia Commons - these are freely reusable images