A node.js client for Etsy's StatsD server.
This client will let you fire stats at your StatsD server from a node.js application.
% npm install node-statsd
% node
> var statsd = new require('node-statsd')('example.org', 8125)
> statsd.increment('node_test.int')
> statsd.decrement('node_test.int')
> statsd.timing('node_test.some_service.task.time', 500) // time in millis
node-statsd is licensed under the MIT license.
node-statsd should run on modern nodes, and will soon be tested on 0.8 and 0.6.
- exceptions "bubble up" into the app that uses this library
- we don't log or print to console any errors ourself, it's the toplevel app that decides how to log/write to console.
- we document which exceptions can be raised, and where. (TODO, sivy#17)
in your main app, you can leverage the fact that you have access to c.socket and do something like: (this is the best way I've found so far)
c.socket.on('error', function (exception) {
return console.log ("error event in socket.send(): " + exception);