- Create a one-page, responsive website that allows a user to filter top news story categories via the New York Times API.
- Optimize for 3 widths: mobile, min-width: 600px, and min-width: 1000px.
- Use Sass as a preprocessor
- Atom (http://atom.io)
- Git Bash (https://git-for-windows.github.io/)
- Google Chrome (https://www.google.com/chrome/)
- Google Chrome Developer Tools
- Fontface Ninja (Google Chrome extension)
- Page Ruler (Google Chrome extension)
- Eye Dropper (Google Chrome extension)
- HTML Validator (https://validator.w3.org/nu/#file)
- CSS Validator (https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_upload)
- Gulp (autoprefixer, cssnano, eslint, notify, plumber, rename, sass, uglify)
- Font Squirrel (https://www.fontsquirrel.com/)
- Ajax
- JavaScript
- JQuery (https://jquery.com/)
- JQuery Plugins (Selectric: http://selectric.js.org/)
- Sass
I am a visual learner and writing out the design of a site helps me.
The value of plugins and tools can be very helpful in identifying underlying issues in code or assist in making a website consistent across many browsers. The use of GULP makes a huge difference in how I work.
My understanding of areas such as flexbox and JQuery are improving as I practice and test more often.
Using SASS is a marked improvement from using vanilla CSS. By modularizing my css, it has improved my organization and allows me to review my code easier.