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UnityYamlMerge Tool Demostration 2023 (中文教程在下面 - Chinese tutorial is down below)

Why this matter to you?

You are trying to edit a Unity3d project with others, that you or others are both editing a scene object or a prefab object in unity, this causes merge conflict that's insane for human to read. Here's a solution that may work for you!


Pre-requisite: In unity3d project make sure you you have the following set in Unity Editor -> Edit -> Project Settings -> Under Asset Serialization: Mode -> "force text" set

Part 1: The Setup

The demostration is done on windows environment, you can chceck reference to other system via here:

And in the version control have "Visible Meta Files" option set

UnityYamlMerge tool comes as a default tool with Unity Editor, you can find it in the Unity's Editor file path at Editor/Data/Tools


First add the UnityYamlMerge environment variable with value of where UnityYamlMerge.exe is located on your local machine as image shown above.

In "C:\user<user>.gitconfig" add the following:

    tool = UnityYAMLMerge
[mergetool "UnityYAMLMerge"]
    trustExitCode = false
    cmd = UnityYAMLMerge merge -p "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"

The above tells git that you are going to use UnityYamlMerge tool as the mergetool to resolve conflict.

Note that you still needs to setup a windows environment variable for UnityYamlMerge with value indicating where the tool is installed.

On windows system when we use git, usually we have git-scm installed, that comes with a Mingw64 command line system, therefore we need to add the following in git bash's path environment variable:

export UNITYYAMLMERGE="/e/UnityEditor/2021.3.0f1/Editor/Data/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge.exe" && export PATH=$PATH:$UNITYYAMLMERGE

Note that /e/UnityEditor/2021.3.0f1/Editor/Data/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge.exe should be modified to your own UnityYamlMerge.exe's local path on your system.

Lastly, in your unity editor installation path we need to modify the mergespecfile.txt. E:\UnityEditor\2021.3.0f1\Editor\Data\Tools\mergespecfile.txt Make sure to replace the first part to your local path to unity editor.

We need to add the following code block on the top of the file, what this does is it would de fine what diff viewer to use for different file, the first 2 line specify uses kdiff3.exe for unity and prefab files. The default fall back is a * to represent all files that have not been caught be definition above this line to use kdiff3.exe as well.

unity use "C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe" "%b" "%l" "%r" -o "%d"
prefab use "C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe" "%b" "%l" "%r" -o "%d"

# Default fallbacks for unknown files. First tool found is used.
* use "C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe" "%b" "%l" "%r" -o "%d"

Note that when changing this file, it might have issue with file access. Personally I am using visual studio code, I had no issue, but friend had to change file and folder access level to allow user to edit with a default text editor.

Please also note that default location for kdiff3.exe installation is C:\Program Files\KDiff3 If you don't have kdiff3 installed you can find it at

Part 2: Merge conflict? How to resolve with UnityYamlMerge tool?

What to do on the command line to use this tool?

When merge conflict happens, I usually update main branch first, then I rebase main into my feature branch I am working on. Then I use the following commands in sequence:

UnityYamlMerge usage process

git status to confirm I am on the feature branch

git mergetool to start the UnityYamlMerge tool to let it do the magic

At this point, the mergetool has done it's job

Now I run git status then git mergetool again it would show nothing to merged.

Finally uses git add . to tell git we are done resolve conflict on the files.

Back to git rebase --continue hooray we are now done once after you finish the rebase, force push to your remote repo.

Everything is fine again!

UnityYamlMerge Tool 工具展示 2023




在Unity3D编辑器的 Edit -> Project Settings -> Under Asset Serialization: Mode -> "force text"

然后在Version Control里面选择 "Visible Meta Files" 选项

步骤 1: 安装


UnityYamlMerge工具是Unity3d自带的辅助工具你可以在Unity Editor的安装目录的 Editor/Data/Tools子目录下面找到他



然后在 "C:\user<用户名>.gitconfig" 加入如下的代码,这是设置git让他使用UnityYamlMerge tool来解决合并冲突:

    tool = UnityYAMLMerge
[mergetool "UnityYAMLMerge"]
    trustExitCode = false
    cmd = UnityYAMLMerge merge -p "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"


export UNITYYAMLMERGE="/e/UnityEditor/2021.3.0f1/Editor/Data/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge.exe" && export PATH=$PATH:$UNITYYAMLMERGE

请注意 /e/UnityEditor/2021.3.0f1/Editor/Data/Tools/UnityYAMLMerge.exe 应该是你本地的 UnityYamlMerge.exe 路径

最后我们需要修改 mergespecfile.txt文件, 他的地址在E:\UnityEditor\2021.3.0f1\Editor\Data\Tools\mergespecfile.txt 请替换成你本地的安装路径找到这个文件

这一步的作用是让 kdiff3.exe 来选取 unityprefab 文件中的合并冲突处理,也让任何没有单独设置的文件用它来做合并处理

unity use "C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe" "%b" "%l" "%r" -o "%d"
prefab use "C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe" "%b" "%l" "%r" -o "%d"

# Default fallbacks for unknown files. First tool found is used.
* use "C:\Program Files\KDiff3\kdiff3.exe" "%b" "%l" "%r" -o "%d"

请注意这一步可能会涉及到修改这个文件的时候没有权限,请改变文件夹和文件的权限你就可以修改它,我本人用的VS code,完全没问题。

kdiff3.exe 的默认安装路径是 C:\Program Files\KDiff3 如果你在机器上找不到他的话,请去按装Kdiff3

步骤 2: 合并冲突? 怎么用UnityYamlMerge工具来解决合并冲突?


当冲突发生的时候,我通常用git rebase ,把main/master的分支,主分支rebase到我当前工作的分支中:

UnityYamlMerge usage process

git status 来看下我在正确的分支中

git mergetool 会启动这个UnityYamlMerge工具来让他的魔法合并我们的unity场景文件冲突


我会在跑一遍这两个命令 git status git mergetool 确认冲突已经搞定。 然后git add . 来告诉git我已经处理好了合并冲突。

最后用git rebase --continue 来完成这个rebase



This is a demostration how UnityYamlMerge tool works.






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