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Jokes API

This is a REST API built with Node.js, Express, and Prisma. It provides endpoints for accessing a database collection of dad jokes. Authenticated users can add jokes to a personal list of favorites. Authenticated admins can also add or remove jokes from the database, and remove users.

🛠️ Technology Used

Technology Use
Express Server framework
TypeScript Tooling for static types in JavaScript
PostgreSQL Relational Data Store
Prisma TypeScript-friendly ORM for Node
JWT Authentication
Jest Unit testing
Postman End to end testing

💻 Running Locally


  1. Postgres is running locally
  2. Node is installed locally (^18)


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Create a .env file in the project root directory, modeled on the included .env.sample, with your own variable values for API and DB settings.
  3. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  4. Run npm run db:model to generate the prisma models.
  5. Run npm run db:build to apply the database migrations.
  6. Run npm run db:seed to seed the database with sample data.
  7. Run npm run build to compile the TypeScript code after passing all Jest tests.
  8. Run npm run start to start the API server, or npm run dev to start in dev mode with nodemon.
  9. The API will now be available locally at port 3000 (or your configured port).

Sample data

Once the db is seeded, you will be able to log in as any of the following users:

Username Password Role 'abc123' User 'abc123' User 'abc123' User 'abc123' Admin

To login, send a POST request to /api/v1/auth/login with a JSON body containing username and password properties. A valid login will send a response with a JSON body containing a token property. The value of token is the encoded JWT containing id, username, and role for the authenticated user.

To access protected routes (see endpoints list below), send the http request with bearer token auth headers containing the token.

API Endpoints

  • POST /api/v1/auth/register Description: Allows users to create a new account. Request body: { "username": "", "password": "password123" } Response: { "user": {user properties} }

  • POST /api/v1/auth/login Description: Allows users to log in to their account and receive a JWT token for authentication. Request body: { "username": { username }, "password": { password } } Response: { "token": "..." }

  • GET /api/v1/jokes Description: Retrieves a list of all publicly available jokes. Response: { "jokes": [...] }

  • GET /api/v1/jokes/{id} Description: Retrieves a particular joke. Response: { "joke": {"id": { id }, "content": { content } }

  • POST /api/v1/jokes Description: Adds a new joke to the jokes database. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin only) Request body: { "content": { content } } Response: { "message": "Joke created successfully", "joke": { joke properties } }

  • DELETE /api/v1/jokes/{id} Description: Deletes a particular joke. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin only) Response: { "message": "Joke deleted successfully" }

  • GET /api/v1/users Description: Retrieves a list of all user records. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin only) Response: { "users": [...] }

  • GET /api/v1/users/{id} Description: Retrieves information about a specific user. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin or Authenticated User) Response: { "user": { user properties } }

  • GET /api/v1/users/{id}/jokes Description: Retrieves a list of jokes saved to the authenticated user. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin or Authenticated User) Response: { "jokes": [...] }

  • POST /api/v1/users/{id}/jokes Description: Saves a joke to the authenticated user's list of jokes. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin or Authenticated User) Request body: { "jokeId": id, "userId": id } Response: { "message": "UserJoke connected successfully", "joke": { joke properties } }

  • DELETE /api/v1/users/{id}/jokes Description: Removes a joke from the authenticated user's list of jokes. Authorization: Bearer Token (Admin or Authenticated User) Request body: { "jokeId": id, "userId": id } Response: { "message": "UserJoke deleted successfully", "result": { userjoke properties } }


Run npm test to run automated local tests and generate a coverage report. After running tests, run npm run report to view the coverage report in a browser.

Jest test suites are also run prior to build, and will cause the build to fail if any tests fail or code coverage falls below the minimum threshold configured in jest.config.js.

A suite of Postman API tests has been created to send a set of live http requests to the local server. Run npm run postman:test to start this test suite. An API key is required -- ask Justin if you would like it shared with you for testing.

Project Structure

  • src/: Contains the source code of the API.
    • controllers/: Contains the controller functions for handling requests to various endpoints.
    • middleware/: Contains middleware functions for handling tasks such as authentication and authorization.
    • routes/: Contains the route definitions for the API.
    • util/: Contains utility functions used throughout the project.
    • __tests__/: Contains the test files for the API.
  • prisma/: Contains the Prisma schema and migration files.
  • db/: Contains scripts for seeding the database with test data.

Key Files

  • src/index.ts: The entry point of the API.
  • prisma/schema.prisma: The Prisma schema file, which defines the structure of the database.
  • db/seedTestData.ts: A script for seeding the database with test data.


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