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v 1.0.7 | © justKD 2020 | MIT License

This class lets you schedule asynchronous events using the audio hardware clock.

KDAudioClock creates and manages timed events, which are each assigned unique identifiers. It also includes event syncing, time stretching, and a scoring syntax for creating a repeatable series of events.

It's based on WAAClock by @sebpiq, which is itself based on the ideas put forth by Chris Wilson in his article A Tale of Two Clocks.


KDAudioClock Examples and Documentation

Basic Use


Create a new audio context and start the audio clock.

const clock = new KDAudioClock();


Stops the audio clock and deletes all managed events.



Suspends the audio clock and pauses all managed events.


Start, stop, and pause return promises.


setTimeout(f, t)

Emulates window.setTimeout.

clock.setTimeout(() => {
  console.log("tick after 2 sec");
}, 2000)

setInterval(f, t)

Emulates window.setInterval.

clock.setInterval(() => {
  console.log("tick every 2 sec");
}, 2000)


Emulates window.clearInterval.

const ev = clock.setInterval(f, t);
// later

KDAudioClockEvent callback functions pass back the event itself.

clock.setInterval((ev) => {
  const loop = ev.get.loop();
  const ticks = loop.elapsedTickCount;
  if (ticks >= 5) ev.delete();
}, 2000)

Extended Use


Schedule any other timed event.

    loop: {
        interval: 2000,
        repetitions: 5,
    onTick: (ev) => console.log("tick"),
    onComplete: (ev) => console.log("done"),
    onAborted: (ev) => console.log("abort"),
    onMissed: (ev) => console.log("missed"),

setTimeout and setInterval are just using 'schedule' under the hood.

// Same as `clock.setTimeout`.
    delay: 500,
    onComplete: () => console.log("done"),
// Same as `clock.setInterval`.
    loop: {
        interval: 500,
        repetitions: Infinity,
    onTick: () => console.log("tick"),


Sync the passed events to the current time.

const events = clock.getEvents();
Tip: use sync every so often to counter drifting that may occur between simultaneous long running timers.
const timer1 = clock.setInterval(playSound1, 500);
const timer2 = clock.setInterval((ev)=>{
    const ticks = ev.get.loop().elapsedTickCount;
    if (ticks >= 120) clock.sync(clock.getEvents());
}, 1000);


Uniformly alter the interval of looping events.

const events = clock.getEvents();
clock.timeStretch(events, 2 );   // intervals are double their initial value
clock.timeStretch(events, 0.5 ); // intervals are half their initial value
clock.timeStretch(events, 1 );   // intervals are reset to their initial value


Convert metered durations into time in milliseconds.

 * Clock set to 60 beats per minute
 * and the quarter note gets the beat.

 * Duration in ms for one quarter note.
const interval = clock.meter(1, 4);
clock.setInterval(f, interval);


This only affects how the helper method clock.meter calculates time. Default is 60.

const tickEverySecond = clock.meter(1, 4);
const tickEveryHalfSecond = clock.meter(1, 8);
const eighthNoteTriplet = clock.meter(1, 12);

const tickEveryHalfSec = clock.meter(1, 4);
const tickEveryQuarterSec = clock.meter(1, 8);
const sixteenthNoteTriplet = clock.meter(1, 12);


This only affects how the helper method clock.meter calculates time. Default is 4 (quarter note).

 * Most applications probably don't need to
 * set the beat independently, but it can
 * be useful if correlating these durations
 * with notated rhythms. Just remember that
 * setting the beat will change how 'meter'
 * is calculated in relation to the BPM.

const tickEverySecond = clock.meter(1, 8);
const tickEveryHalfSecond = clock.meter(1, 16);


Run a sequence of events in order, each firing after the end of the previous event plus the wait duration. This provides a more readable syntax to replace nesting calls to clock.setTimeout.

// Helper method to create scored events.
const note = clock.createScoredEvent;

// Pass an array of scored events.
    note(0, (ev) => {
        // call this right away
        console.log( ev.get.uid() );
    note(1000, (ev) => {
        // after 1 second
        console.log( ev.get.uid() );
    note(500, (ev) => {
        // after another 500ms
        console.log( ev.get.uid() );
Loop scores by assigning it to a variable and calling itself.
const meter = clock.meter;
const note = clock.createScoredEvent;
cosnt runScore = () => {
        note(0, f),
        note(meter(1, 4), f),
        note(meter(1, 8), f),
        note(meter(1, 4), f),
        note(meter(1, 8), f),
        note(meter(1, 16), f),
        note(meter(1, 16), f),
        note(meter(1, 4), f),
        note(0, runScore),

Exit a score with score.break().
const meter = clock.meter;
const note = clock.createScoredEvent;

let count = 0;
let maxLoops = 2;
let quarterNote = clock.meter(1, 4);

let runScore = () => {
    const maxed = count++ >= maxLoops;
    const score = clock.score([
        note(quarterNote, (ev) => {
        note(quarterNote, (ev) => {
            if (maxed) score.break();
        note(quarterNote, (ev) => {
        note(quarterNote, (ev) => {
            if (!maxed) runScore();

Create reusable "measures" and add them to a score with the spread operator.
const meter = clock.meter;
const note = clock.createScoredEvent;

const measureOne = [
    note(meter(1, 4), (ev) => {}),
    note(meter(1, 4), (ev) => {}),

const measureTwo = [
    note(meter(1, 8), (ev) => {}),
    note(meter(1, 8), (ev) => {}),
    note(meter(1, 8), (ev) => {}),
    note(meter(1, 8), (ev) => {}),

const measureThree = [
    note(meter(1, 4), (ev) => {}),
    note(meter(1, 8), (ev) => {}),
    note(meter(1, 8), (ev) => {}),

const runScore = () => {
        note(0, runScore),



KDAudioClock Constructor Parameters

interface KDAudioClockParams  {
    context?: AudioContext;
    tolerance?: {
        early?: number;
        late?: number;
    bpm?: number;
    beat?: number

new KDAudioClock(opts?: KDAudioClockParams)
Param Type Description
context? AudioContext If an external audio context should be used, this is where it is passed to KDAudioClock. Otherwise, the instance will create and manage its own audio context, which can be accessed via new KDAudioClock().getContext().
tolerance? { early?: number; late?: number; } Object holding default early and late tolerance values in seconds. Will default to {early: 0.001, late: 0.1 } if this is left empty. These values describe the margin of error for dropping an event. If the scheduled event attempts to fire within the tolerance window, the onTick callback is called. Otherwise the onMissed callback is called.
bpm? number Beats per minute used by the meter helper method to calculate metered time. Default is 60.
beat? number The note division that is assigned to the beat. Used by the meter helper method to calculate metered time. Default is 4 (quarter note).

KDAudioClock Methods

Method Type Description
start (ctx?: AudioContext) => Promise<any> Start the clock. Handles the first start as well as resuming a paused or stopped clock. Creates a new AudioContext if one doesn't already exist, otherwise uses the assigned or previously created context. Connects the audio node and begins processing ticks.
stop () => Promise<any> Deletes all currently existing events managed by the clock, disconnects the clock audio node, closes the audio context and releases its internal reference. If a context was passed in the initial options, it will still be referenced by the options object, but a new context must be passed to the start() method since the original will be closed.
pause () => Promise<any> Pauses the clock but retains existing events. Disconnects the clock audio node and suspends the audio context.
resume () => Promise<any> An alias for start. This method will simply call start, but it may help readability if this is used after a pause and start is only used in opposition to stop.
destroy () => undefined Destroy this instance and make it available for garbage collection. This will release any internally held references. Always explicitly returns undefined.
isRunning () => boolean Returns true if the clock is running or false if the clock has never been started, is paused, or has been stopped.
isPaused () => boolean Returns true if the clock is paused.

Method Type Description
setTimeout (callback: (ev: KDAudioClockEvent) => void, delayInMs: number) => KDAudioClockEvent Shortcut for creating a scheduled event that mimics window.setTimeout functionality.
setInterval (callback: (ev: KDAudioClockEvent) => void, intervalInMs: number) => KDAudioClockEvent Shortcut for creating a scheduled event that mimics window.setInterval functionality.
clearInterval (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Shortcut for deleting an event that mimics window.clearInterval functionality.
schedule `(opts: KDAudioClockEventOptions KDAudioClockEvent

Method Type Description
getContext () => AudioContext Returns the AudioContext being used by the clock. Either the context passed as a constructor parameter, or the internally created context if one was not provided.
getCurrentTime `() => number null`
getTolerance () => { early: number; late: number; } Get the current default tolerance levels in seconds that is used when new events are created without their own explicit tolerance option.
setTolerance (tolerance: { early?: number; late?: number; }) => void Set the default tolerance levels in seconds that will be used when new events are created without their own explicit tolerance option.
getEvents () => KDAudioClockEvent[] Returns an array KDAudioClockEvent[] holding all events currently being managed by the clock, regardless of whether they are currently queued or not (eg. this will include suspended/paused events).)
getEventQueue () => KDAudioClockEvent[] Returns an array KDAudioClockEvent[] holding all events currently in the event queue (eg. will not include suspended/paused events).
hasEvent `(event: KDAudioClockEvent string) => boolean`
getUIDFor (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => string When passed a valid event, this returns the unique identifier string that was automatically assigned to the event when it was created.
getEventFor (eventID: string) => KDAudioClockEvent When passed a valid string identifier, this returns the associated KDAudioClockEvent.
getEventUidEntries () => [KDAudioClockEvent, string][] Returns an array [KDAudioClockEvent, string][] representing the internal map holding managed events and their UID associations.

Method Type Description
sync `(events: KDAudioClockEvent[] KDAudioClockEvent, delayInMs?: number) => void`
timeStretch `(events: KDAudioClockEvent[] KDAudioClockEvent, ratio: number) => void`
suspend `(events: KDAudioClockEvent[] KDAudioClockEvent) => void`
delete `(events: KDAudioClockEvent[] KDAudioClockEvent) => undefined`

Method Type Description
score (events: [number, (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void][]) => { break: () => void } Process a series of events with each subsequent event in the given array taking place only after the previous event fires. The events parameter is an array of scored events, each represented as an array [delayInMs, callback]. delayInMs is the time after the previous event is completed, not the time since initialization. score returns an object { break: () => void; } which can be used to break out of a score early.
createScoredEvent (delayInMs: number, callback: (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void) => [number, (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void] Helper function to make scored event arrays more readable.
meter (beats: number, duration: number) => number Helper function to convert meter to milliseconds. While you can use absolute time to control KDAudioClock, it also includes an internal meter system. The internal bpm and beat defaults to {bpm: 60, beat: 4} (60 beats-per-minute and the quarter note gets the beat). You can set the bpm and beat when the instance is created or at a later time, and the meter method will use those values along with the time signature values passed to it to compute the appropriate duration in milliseconds.
getBPM () => number Get the internally referenced beats-per-minute. This is only used by the meter method when calculating metrical durations. The default is 60.
setBPM (bpm: number) => void Set the internally referenced beats-per-minute.
getBeat () => number Get the internally referenced metrical beat. This is only used by the meter method when calculating metrical durations. The default is 4 (quarter note gets the beat).
setBeat (beat: number) => void Set the internally referenced metrical beat.

KDAudioClockEventOptions Parameters

Param Type Description
delay? number Delay the start of the first tick in milliseconds. Default is 0.
loop? { interval?: number; repetitions?: number; } loop.interval is the time in ms between successive ticks. loop.repetitions is the number of repetitions before ending the loop. If the loop parameter is empty, the event will be scheduled to fire once after delay time (ie. loop defaults to {repetitions: 1}). If loop.interval is provided but loop.repetitions is left empty, loop.repetitions will default to Infinity. If loop.interval is provided with no delay, the event will tick immediately and again on each successive interval. If both delay and loop.interval are provided, the first tick will be after the delay time, and each successive tick will be after the interval time.
tolerance? { early?: number; late?: number; } Describe the allowed margin of error in seconds before dropping a tick (ie. earliest and latest times to allow a tick before or after the scheduled deadline). The margin is calculated as the scheduled deadline minus the early value or plus the late value. If the event tries to fire within the allowed margin of error, the onTick callback is called. Otherwise, the onMissed callback is called instead.
onTick? (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Called on every successful tick.
onComplete? (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Called when the number of intended repetitions is reached. If the loop.repetitions value is Infinity, this will never be called.
onAborted? (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Called if a looping event is deleted (not suspended) before it has reached its intended number of repetitions, including if the loop.repetitions value is Infinity.
onMissed? (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Called if a tick misses its deadline.

KDAudioClockEvent Methods

Method Type Description
schedule (deadline: number) => void Schedule the next tick time for a specific deadline in seconds. This does not reset the elapsed tick count, so an event with a max number of loops will retain its current loop count.
sync (delayInMs?: number) => void Schedule the next tick for the context.currentTime plus the delayInMs. This does not reset the elapsed tick count, so an event with a max number of loops will retain its current loop count.
suspend () => void This will suspend scheduled deadlines, but the event and its options will be retained by the owning KDAudioClock.
reschedule (deadline?: number) => void Reschedule the next tick time for a specific deadline in seconds. This resets the elapsed tick count, which will restart a looping event with a max number of loops. Default deadline is context.currentTime.
delete () => undefined Completely delete the event and all internal references to KDAudioClock. Always returns undefined.
isLooping () => boolean Returns true if this is a looping event and the current number of elapsed loops has not exceeded the maximum number of loops.
isSuspended () => boolean Returns true if this event is suspended.
updateWithInterval (intervalInMs: number) => void Sets this events loop interval. This will set a new initialInterval and then update the currentInterval accounting for the time stretch value.
timeStretch (ratio: number) => void If this event is a looping event, this will be applied to the initial interval time (ie. setting the timeStretch back to 1 will reset any stretching). The initial interval value will be multiplied by the ratio value for each subsequent tick. Default is 1.
get object See parameters below.

new KDAudioClockEvent.get Methods

Method Type Description
clock () => KDAudioClock Returns the KDAudioClock instance that owns this event.
uid () => string Returns the unique identifier string assigned to this event.
nextDeadline () => { scheduled: number; earliest: number; latest: number } Returns an object holding scheduled, earliest, and latest deadline values in seconds.
tolerance () => { early: number; late: number } Returns an object holding early and late tolerance values in seconds.
loop () => object Returns an object holding initialInterval, currentInterval, repetitions, elapsedTickCount, and timeStretch values.
loop().initialInterval number The base interval in milliseconds for a looping event.
loop().currentInterval number The actual interval in milliseconds for a looping event after time stretch has been applied.
loop().repetitions number The total number of repetitions for a looping event.
loop().elapsedTickCount number The number of ticks/repetitions that have already elapsed.
loop().timeStretch number The current time stretch ratio.
callbacks () => object Returns an object holding values for onTick, onComplete, onAborted, and onMissed callback functions.
callbacks().onTick (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Function called on every successful tick.
callbacks().onCompleted (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Function called when elapsedTickCount reaches the target number of repetitions.
callbacks().onAborted (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Function called if an event is deleted before reaching its target number of repetitions, including if repetitions is Infinity.
callbacks().onMissed (event: KDAudioClockEvent) => void Function called if an event attempts to fire outside its margin of error determined by its tolerance levels.


Schedule asynchronous events using the audio hardware clock.







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