A quick and dirty CLI to interact with JumpCloud
I've only populated API methods as I've needed them but will add more over time.
jc --help
cli to interact with JumpCloud
jc [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
user interact with JumpCloud users
-h, --help help for jc
--version version for jc
Use "jc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
jc user --help
interact with JumpCloud users
jc user [command]
Available Commands:
attribute-matches exits successfully if a user's attribute key/value pair matches
attributes show attributes for a user
list list jumpcloud users
-h, --help help for user
Use "jc user [command] --help" for more information about a command.
CRUD - create/read/update/delete
jc command list|create|d --name --
jc command execute --system <x> --group <x> --command-name "" --adoc-command "dir"
> ......
List JumpCloud users
jc user list --output table --query "[].{_id:_id, UserName: username, FirstName: firstname, LastName: lastname, Email: email}"
List JumpCloud users with a custom attribute
jc user list --output table --query "[].{_id:_id, UserName: username, FirstName: firstname, LastName: lastname, Email: email, MAC: attributes[?name == 'hwaddr'].value}"
List attributes for JumpCloud user
jc user attributes --user <username>
Check for matching attributes
jc user attribute-matches --user <username --key <attribute name> --value <attribute match>
List groups with table output
jc group list --query "[?type == 'user_group'].{ID: id, Name: name}" --output table
List users in group
jc group list-members --id $(jc group list --query "[?name == 'retool'].{ID: id}" --output csv) --output table --query '[].{Email: email, Userame: username, FirstName: firstname, LastName: lastname}'
List users in a hroup with custom attributes
jc group list-members --id <some group id> --output csv) --output table --query "[].{Email: email, MAC: attributes[?name == 'hwaddr'].value}"
List systems
jc system list --output table --query "reverse(sort_by(@, &lastContact)) | [].{_id:_id, DeviceName: displayName, LastContact: lastContact, OperatingSystem: os, AgentVersion: agentVersion}"
List systems with thei IP addresses
jc system list --output table --query "reverse(sort_by(@, &lastContact)) | [].{_id:_id, DisplayName: displayName, LastContact: lastContact, OperatingSystem: os, AgentVersion: agentVersion, IPs: join(',',networkInterfaces[?family == 'IPv4'].address)}"
- List system groups