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JT's Dotfiles

Configuration and customization files to personalize Linux, Windows, and macOS.

This repository contains my personal dotfiles like configurations for software described below.

Repository Structure

List of folders and dotfiles in them:

  • .config/ configuration files for the below mentioned programs
    ++ alacritty - alacritty terminal emulator ++ broot - Broot file and directory navigator
    ++ Code/User/ - Visual Studio Code editor
    ++ cool-retro-term/ - Cool Retro Term Terminal Emulator
    ++ copyq/ - copyq Clipboard Manager
    ++ doom/ - Doom Emacs Framework
    ++ dunst/ - dunst Notification daemon, for use with i3
    ++ emacs/ - Emacs editor
    ++ fish/ - Fish shell
    ++ fontconfig/conf.d/ - Fonts managed by Nix package manager
    ++ helix - Helix editor
    ++ home-manager - Home Manager using nix for software packages
    ++ i3/ - i3 Window Manager (WM)
    ++ i3status/ - i3status Status bar for use with i3
    ++ input-remapper/ - input-remapper to change input behaviour like key remapping
    ++ lazyvim - Lazyvim Neovim setup ++ mprocs/ - mprocs to manage parallel and commonly executed processes
    ++ mpv/ - mpv media player
    ++ navi/ - navi command line cheatsheet tool
    ++ nushell/ - nushell cross platform shell
    ++ nvim/ - neovim editor
    ++ rofi/ - rofi Application launcher, Window switcher for use with i3 and in GNOME
    ++ tmux - tmux Terminal Multiplexer
    ++ todotxt-cli/ - todotxt Task manager on command line
    ++ topgrade/ - topgrade Updater for things like operating systems, software, packages, and others
    ++ vlc/ - vlc media player
    ++ wezterm/ - WezTerm Cross platform terminal emulator and multiplexer
    ++ yazi/ - Yazi file manager
    ++ dolphinrc - Dolphin File Manager settings
    ++ kdeglobals - KDE KDE Desktop Environment appearance settings
    ++ gfold.toml - gfold Track git repositories
    ++ starship.toml - Starship Cross-shell prompt
    Starship Cross-shell prompt
  • .fonts/ - Open source fonts
  • .local/share/applications/ - Desktop entries
  • Templates/ - New file templates for GNOME File manager also known as Nautilus
  • usr/bin/ - Linux scripts
  • usr/bin-windows/ - Windows scripts
  • other/ - Other configuration files not normally stored in user home directory
    ++ PowerShell/ - PowerShell shell
    ++ WindowsPowerShell/ - Windows PowerShell 5.1 shell
  • .bash... - Bash shell
  • .gitconfig - Git distributed version control configuration file
  • .inputrc - GNU Readline for command line editing
  • .Xresources , .xinitrc - X Window System configuration files

Programs and Software Configured

Operating System and Environment


Operating System Compatibility

  • Most software listed above runs cross-platform on Linux, Windows, and macOS and can use the same configuration files (dotfiles). The dotfiles are regularly tested on Linux and Windows using latest stable versions of software.
  • For Linux / Unix only software, it can be run on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Cygwin, and/or MSYS on Windows (examples: GNOME, i3, rofi, fish, tmux, dunst, home manager).

How Dotfiles are Managed

There are many ways to manage your dotfiles. I use an Ansible playbook inspired by geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook and dotfiles Ansible role which installs and configures machines I use from base installation using package managers like apt, dnf, nix, chocolately, and scoop.