This is a collection of snippets that I find useful for my dev with JS. They should work both in the browser and in Nodejs.
###Object-Oriented Helpers
var Utils = require('yutils');
// Check the parameter count of a function
function test(a,b,c) {
Utils.assertLength(arguments,3); // throws exception when argument count is wrong
// Make sure, that an object implements a certain set of Functions:
function Duck(){...};
Duck.prototype.quack = function() {..};
Duck.prototype.walk = function() {..};
var duck = new Duck();
Utils.implements(duck, "quack", "walk"); // -> true
Utils.implements(duck, "bark", "walk"); // -> false
// Inheritance
function Animal() {};
Animal.prototype.drink = function () {};
function Dog(){};
Utils.inherit(Dog, Animal);
Dog.prototype.bark = function(){};
Utils.implements(new Dog(), "drink", "bark");
var Utils = require('yutils');
// Generate a pseudo-unique ID
var uid = Utils.guid();
// Create a random sample of an list
var sample = Utils.sample([1,2,3,4,5,6], 3); // creates a list with size '3'
// Check, weather a variable is defined or not
var a = undefined;
var b = null;
var c = "Hello";
var d = { test: 0 };
Utils.isDefined(a); // -> false
Utils.isDefined(b); // -> false
Utils.isDefined(c); // -> true
Utils.isDefined(d); // -> true
Utils.isDefined(d.test); // -> true
Utils.isDefined(d.notThere); // -> false
// Check, weather a variable is a string or not
Utils.isString("Hello"); // -> true
Utils.isString({test: 2}); // -> false
// Delete the position in an array
var list = Utils.deletePosition([0,1,2,3],1)); // -> [0,2,3]
// Execute lists of functions:
var cbs = [function() {console.log("a");}, function () {console.log("b");}];
Utils.executeCallbacks(cbs); // will print "a" and then "b" on the console
cbs = [function(a, b) {console.log(a + b);}, function (a, b) {console.log(a + b + "2");}];
Utils.executeCallbacks(cbs, "q", "a"); // will print "qa" and then "qa2" on the console