RAILS 3 Template for generating a BDD style app.
Get started:
rails new sweet -m https://github.com/jwo/Sugar/raw/master/sugar.rb
*Edit /app/controllers/page_controller.rb, add:*
before_filter :require_user
*Drop into the rails console:*
User.create(:name=>"Super Admin", :username=>"admin", :password=>"supasecret", :password_confirmation=>"supasecret", :email=>"yo@test.com")
*rails s and ---> http://localhost:3000*
Sugar, which is sweeeeeeeeet, will give you the following gems:
- Authlogic, from the latest source
- Paperclip
- S3
- Haml
- will_paginate
- can_can
- map_reduced (if you choose mongomapper)
- rmagick
Testing Gems
- Factory Girl
- AutoTest
- RSpec2
- Cucumber
- Cucumber-rails
- Launchy
- Webrat
Sugar, since it's sweet, will also:
- git setup
- template cleanup
- setup jquery and csrf
- Use Blueprint CSS layout system
- Show your flash messages
- Create your authlogic user session methods and controller
- Use the ChaiOne latest chaione.css awesome UI styles
- get all in the resources and app folder, rather than loading each one specifically
- create a factories folder
- Have a pre-defined user factory