This is a simple banking application to:
- Send money between two existing accounts
- Request account balance and list of transactions
- In your preferred IDE, one can execute the test and run the main class BankingMsApplication. This will start a Spring Boot application on localhost:8080 and create a /data directory for the DB
- Taken from banking-ms/banking-ms-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- java -jar banking-ms-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- This will start a Spring Boot application on localhost:8080 and create a /data directory with a H2 db with some initial account data.
- This can be viewed inside the H2 console but simpler would be to call the endpoints to view all data.
- The initial data is created by /resources/data.sql
- /accounts - GET - lists all accounts
- /transactions - GET lists all transactions
- /account-create - POST accepts RAW JSON - creates account
- /createTransaction - POST accepts RAW JSON - creates transaction with account details
- /account-transactions - POST accepts RAW JSON - lists accounts and their transactions
- Configuration for postman endpoints can be found in /banking-ms/postman. These can be imported as a postman collection and ran individually.