PDF generator for Cards Against Humanity
It's a terrible game.
gem install prawn
gem install trollop
And you're good to go!
Make a text file, and put each question or answer on a separate line. A file with a bunch of questions might look like this:
Git hooks are a secret breeding ground for _____.
______ helps me code until the wee hours of the morning.
If you want line breaks in your questions, use a backslash (\) character. Two line breaks is two backslashes. Three line breaks is...you get the idea.
Step 1: _____\\Step 2: _____\\Step 3: Profit!
Now all you need to do is run cahgen
ruby cahgen.rb --answers answerfile.txt
I thought Cards Against Humanity used white and black cards to differentiate between questions and answers
They do! But I like my printer's ink cartridge and want some left, so instead I'm using punctuation.
It should be labelled "output.pdf".
Sure! I mean, you just need to change where PDFFile
outputs to.
Uh, if you put a #hashtag in a card name, it will look in the icons
directory for a corrsponding image. If said image exists, it will use this image in place of the default image. So you can do editions of cards.