A custom Kubernetes Controller to watch Pods in all namespaces
Chronos is a kubernetes controller that I wrote to understand the internal workings of controllers. I followed a pattern that was widely used by many production ready custom controllers like Kubewatch and Nginx ingress. Important topics that you would understand are:
- Informers
- Work Queues
The command line is written using Cobra CLI Framework.
You need to have 'go' installed and setup on the system.
After cloning the repository,you can run this program by executing:
#/>go run main.go -k {path to the kubeconfig}
You can also choose to build the program and run it.
Build a docker image and deploy it as a pod in a Kubernetes cluster \\
and it will use the Incluster Config file to communicate with API server.\\
Create a role and rolebinding to provide access to Kubernetes Object store.
Check the help menu by passing -h or --help:
#/>go run main.go -h
Kubernetes event collector and notifier
chronos [flags]
chronos [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version chronos version
-h, --help help for chronos
-k, --kubeconfig string path to kubeconfig file
Use "chronos [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The current version of Chronos tracks the status of Pods in all namespaces and logs on the command line whenever it detects a state change for a Pod.
Find the below links that I refered to write the controller: