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Quick Trade

Microservice to interact with quick-trade website.

How to Install GO

brew install go

## Make sure PATH env variable includes $GOPATH/bin, i.e. add the following to to ~/.bash_profile
   export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

## And if Go binaries aren't executing properly, also be sure GOBIN is defined, the manual entry in .bash_profile would be
    export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin

How to Get copies of dependencies

Run this command in terminal to get copies of the dependencies:

go mod vendor

How to Compile proto files

Proto file are located pkg/proto/. To generate go code run:

make proto

How to Run QuickTrade

make run
runs on port 8081 in local

How to Compile QuickTrade

make build

The output is:


How to Create Postgres Database

Follow this link to set up postgresql server.

   run following commands to install schema and get started:
   create database quick_trade;
   create user quick_trade with encrypted password 'quick_trade';
   grant all privileges on database quick_trade to quick_trade;