LibTx is a collection of theorems about distributed databases proven from the first principles. A far-fetched goal of this project is to create a formally verified transaction engine for OLTP databases, similar to mnesia. Note that this library does not implement a storage engine and distributed message queue.
Logic of libtx
is written in Gallina language (the specification
language of Coq). Effects are simulated using a library called SLOT
(developed in-house) that allows to model nondeterministic I/O. SLOT
allows to verify all possible executions of the program and extract a
Coq proofs, that are mostly free of axioms (we only rely on the
excluded triple in some places).
Since formal proofs are only as useful as their assumptions (garbage in — garbage out), a lot of effort went into keeping the number of assumptions to the minimum. Generally speaking, there are three levels of assumptions in SLOT:
Core definitions that describe side effects of I/O operations in general. These are considered fundamental to SLOT
Definitions describing behavior of concurrent and distributed systems
I/O handler models that describe behavior of specific 3rd party services, such as network, message queues, disk, etc. These definitions are domain-specific
(Note on terminology: internally we call I/O operations "trace elements" or "TE" for short, and sequences of I/O operations are called "traces")
Below you can find the full list of core assumptions made by SLOT
StateSpace class allows to define non-deterministic side effects of the I/O operation:
Class StateSpace (S TE : Type) := { state_transition : S -> S -> TE -> Prop; }.
ReachableByTrace inductive datatype defines side effects of multiple I/O operations executed sequentially:
Inductive ReachableByTrace : S -> T -> S -> Prop := | rbt_nil : forall s, ReachableByTrace s [] s | rbt_cons : forall s s' s'' te trace, state_transition s s' te -> ReachableByTrace s' trace s'' -> ReachableByTrace s (te :: trace) s''.
HoareTriple is a type that introduces Hoare logic of I/O operations:
Definition HoareTriple (pre : S -> Prop) (trace : T) (post : S -> Prop) := forall s s', ReachableByTrace s trace s' -> pre s -> post s'.
TraceInvariant is an inductive datatype that is used to describe invariants of the system:
Inductive TraceInvariant (prop : S -> Prop) : T -> Prop := | inv_nil : TraceInvariant prop [] | inv_cons : forall te t, {{prop}} [te] {{prop}} -> TraceInvariant prop t -> TraceInvariant prop (te :: t).
Interleaving is an inductive datatype that describes all possible ways to execute a concurrent system with two processes (without sudden deaths):
Inductive Interleaving : list TE -> list TE -> TraceEnsemble := | ilv_cons_l : forall te t1 t2 t, Interleaving t1 t2 t -> Interleaving (te :: t1) t2 (te :: t) | ilv_cons_r : forall te t1 t2 t, Interleaving t1 t2 t -> Interleaving t1 (te :: t2) (te :: t) | ilv_nil : Interleaving [] [] [].
(It allows nesting, so it can be used to define a system with however many processes)
EHoareTriple is a type that introduces Hoare logic for concurrent systems:
Definition EHoareTriple (pre : S -> Prop) (g : TraceEnsemble) (post : S -> Prop) := forall t, g t -> HoareTriple pre t post.
EnsembleInvariant is a type that describes invariants of concurrent systems:
Definition EnsembleInvariant (prop : S -> Prop) (E : TraceEnsemble) : Prop := forall (t : list TE), E t -> TraceInvariant prop t.
(Currently they are largely WIP)