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Kai Kitagawa-Jones edited this page Nov 23, 2019 · 31 revisions


Include kaliumn.c and kaliumn.h with your project and link winmm when compiling.

At the top of your c file:

#include "kaliumn.h"

When compiling (MinGW):

gcc [file-name].c kaliumn.c -o [file-name] -lwinmm


Change the text color

You can easily change the color of the text using KAL_SetColor().

KAL_SetColor(40, 30);
Printf("Red Foreground, Blue BackGround");

These are the color codes used by all functions in this project:


Moving the cursor

You can change the position of the cursor using KAL_SetCursorPosition().

KAL_SetCursorPosition(15, 20);

This moves the cursor to x = 15, y = 20.

(0, 0) is the top-left corner.

Also you can show/hide the cursor using KAL_SetCursorVisibility().

Changing the window size and title

You can change the window size using KAL_SetScreenSize() and the title using KAL_SetScreenTitle().

KAL_SetScreenSize(30, 20);
KAL_SetScreenTitle("Hello World!");

This sets the window size to 30 * 20 and the title to Hello World!

Playing Audio

You can play audio using KAL_PlayAudio(), pause it with KAL_PauseAudio(), resume it with KAL_ResumeAudio(), and stop it with KAL_StopAudio().

First, load a mp3 file using KAL_LoadAudio().

int music = KAL_LoadAudio("music.mp3");

Now you can play, pause resume and stop the audio file.

KAL_PlayAudio("sound.mp3", 0);

Drawing to the screen

First, initialize the canvas and window.

KAL_Startup(30, 20, "Drawing");
KAL_InitCanvas(30, 20, 71);

This will initialize the canvas with a width of 30px and a height of 20px. The background color will be white.
Instead of KAL_Startup() you can also use KAL_SetScreenSize() and KAL_SetScreenTitle() but KAL_Startup() also hides the cursor, sets the console encoding to utf-8, and disables quick edit.

Next, load a texture and draw it to the canvas.

int *newTexture = KAL_LoadTexture("texture");
KAL_DrawTexture(newTexture, 5, 10);

This will draw the texture to the canvas. The top-left corner of the texture will be positioned at (5, 10).
The texture file can be easily made or edited by the Texture Editor.

Texture Format Example


This is a 6 * 4 texture with a red square on a white background.

Finally, display the canvas to the screen.


You can also draw text using KAL_DrawText() or individual pixel using KAL_DrawPixel().
When making animations use KAL_CleanCanvas() to clean the canvas before drawing the next frame.