reference papers
- Training a Binary Weight Object Detector byKnowledge Transfer for Autonomous Driving
- Ternary weight networks
- XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using BinaryConvolutional Neural Networks
Generally the inference task using full ternary weights -1,0,+1 with scaling factor Wl is considered as low accuracy than full precision weights.
But for mobile devices such as raspberryPI small weights is efficiency choice.
And FPGA devices needs simple culculation mechanism like ternary weights based one.
Many quantization method for model weights are proposed now such as FP16, bfloat, fixed point 16bits, 8bit, ternary 2bits and XNor 1bit too.
I consider that re-training after quatization of weights is needed.
How to train using some quantization methods? from ground, finetune?
I propose the staged training method for yolov2-voc.cfg, yolov3-voc.cfg on Darknet website for full ternary weights network.
And to compare STM I also train each models with usual training method.
STM generates Ternarized weights for yolov2-voc, yolov3-voc.
STM sprits usual training method into 4 stages.
Stage-0 : few layers without around detection layers are ternarized and training.
Stage-1 : 40% layers are ternarized and training.
Stage-2 : 90% layers are ternarized and training.
Stage-3 : full ternarized and training.
Weights used on each stages is imported from previous stage, such as stage-2 weights from stage-1.
Look at staging plans for yolov2 and yolov3 figure.1 or figure.2 as example case.
I trained yolov2-voc.cfg and yolov3-voc.cfg with STM, and checked each training curves.
My experiments denote that accuracy drops 5 points mAP against full precision weights inferece.
result of STM based on yolov2-voc.cfg
Stage | mAP | IOU | comments |
76.85 | 54.67 | official weights | |
M0 | 77.09 | 57.04 | |
M1 | 76.44 | 56.18 | |
M2 | 75.06 | 57.71 | |
M3 | 73.82 | 54.90 | full ternary |
no staged | 72.93 | 57.90 | FT with darknet19_448.conv.23, full ternary |
Interation 41000(2000/class), steps x0.1 80%, 90%, lr=0.001
result of STM based on yolov3-voc.cfg
Stage | mAP | IOU | comments |
- | 75.54 | 62.78 | FT form darknet53.conv.75 |
M0 | 75.02 | 63.04 | |
M1 | 73.69 | 63.75 | |
M2 | 73.76 | 63.54 | |
M3 | 71.26 | 61.61 | full ternary |
no staged | 69.81 | 55.13 | FT form darknet53.conv.75, full ternary |
Interation 100400(5000/class), steps x0.1 80%, 90%, lr=0.001 at no stage, M0, M1
Interation 60400(3000/class), steps x0.1 80%, 90%, lr=0.001 at M2, M3
prepare official weights that include full precision weights or train your model.cfg with VOC dataset.
I wget yolov2-voc.weights from pjreddie web site.
And prepare .data file too. -
create shell command file such as like below,
./darknet detector train yolov2-voc_M0.cfg yolov2-voc.weights
./darknet detector train yolov2-voc_M1.cfg backup_M0/yolov2-voc_M0.minloss.weights
./darknet detector train yolov2-voc_M2.cfg backup_M1/yolov2-voc_M1.minloss.weights
./darknet detector train yolov2-voc_M3.cfg backup_M2/yolov2-voc_M2.minloss.weights -
Here yolov2-voc_M*.minloss.weigts file is saved at minimum loss.
I spended 10days to get result of staged training yolov2 with GTX1080 x 2 environment.
staging plans
In below figures F denotes full precision weights layer and T denotes ternary weight layer.
I made experiments of FTWN training with STM.
I improved darknet framework to support ternarizing weights in convolutional layer.
STM can reduce accuracy damage with FTWN.
- segmenter
- scale_channels layer support for efficientNet