Interceptor is a Growl Display that allows other Applications to receive Growl Notifications via NSDistributedNotificationCenter
Basically it does two things, if a Growl notification arrives it:
Displays the notification using a regular display style (configurable in the settings)
Posts a NSNotification to the NSDistributedNotificationCenter including the notifications content encoded in JSON.
Here's how to receive notifications from Interceptor in another Application
First, subscribe to the notification
Subscribe to Interceptor Notications
[[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self
Then setup a method to handle Notifications. The data is encoded in JSON and formatted like this:
"text":"This is a preview of the Interceptor display"
Use a JSON parser to get a dictionary representation of the above.
-(void)mwmDidReceiveNotification:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
NSDictionary *dict = (NSDictionary*)[parser objectWithString:[aNotification object]];
// do something