The main server is
It handles client connections, reads their messages and sends them messages from the user
clients have tasks, such as
- reverse ssh
- live video
- software update
these are executed in different subprocesses.
The reverse SSH Task requires a user account on the server called ssh_server Please make sure that it is not a sudo user and shell is disabled for the clients connecting for ssh to that user.
the server needs to have the public key of the clients
and the operator needs to know the username and the password for the clients (username is sent but the password will be predefined)
Version History
Stuff to be implemented
- Database for authentication, and event logging
- Notification sender (to notify admins realtime)
- Log retrieval, automatic software updater
- Live video start
- Logs for individual clients
V 0.0.19 (Future)
- Encrypt Communications
- Authenticate Server
V 0.0.18 (Future)
- Log retrieval from clients
- Remote software update
- Automate key registration
V 0.0.17 (Future)
- Interprocess communication for frontend
-- Types of clients (device, localsoftware) - Accomodate different message types and commands, route them accordingly
- Work on Agility
V 0.0.16 (Future)
- Authenticate clients
- Log events in tables
- Clean up object and class names
- Using actual handlers
- Seperate processes for handlers
V 0.0.15 (Current)
- Clients ping the server now
- Server keeps session times
- Integrating PostgreSQL
V 0.0.14 (Deployed Beta)
- Implemented logger
- Implemented thread watchdog which will bring the crashed threads to life
V 0.0.13
- socket connection will be terminated if the client does not reply the ping requests
- improved agility furhter, client logic is seperated from the actual server code.
- there is only one ping thread now
- added thread info to gui
V 0.0.12
- added safe-guards for empty byte array storms.
- optimized for cpu spikes, select blocks until there is a message
V 0.0.1
- Added new commands for ssh stop