Author: Gaurav Kabra
dotnet new console --force : This initializes the project
dotnet run : This runs the code
You have 5 lives. That means you can try 5 times to guess the integer
which is between 1 to 10 (both inclusive).
Once you guess it correct OR you run out of lives
you will be asked to continue.
Pressing any key other than Y or y will result in closing of game immediately.
Throughout game, colors on console mean something:
RED : invalid input (e.g. too long input or instead of integer you enter type-inconsistent value) OR you are left with final life!
GREEN : You guessed the number correctly. Congrats for that!
WHITE : Rest text (including crash-reports (exceptions) IF ANY)
Go to bin/VSProj.exe and run it after download. Happy gaming ^_^